In the state of Texas, driving while intoxicated (DWI) is considered a serious offense. Penalties are serious and life altering. If the accused individual is under the legal drinking age of 21, this is considered underage DWI or driving under the influence (DUI). Texas law has zero tolerance for minors with any detectable amount of alcohol. You need to contact a Lake Jackson DUI defense attorney immediately for tough, attentive, and aggressive representation. Your future could be at stake. Call JM Davis Law PLLC for more information about DUI representation in Lake Jackson.
The legal limit in the state of Texas is 0.08% blood alcohol content (BAC). This rule, however, only applies to individuals aged 21 and over. If the driver is under the age of 21, it is illegal to have any detectable amount of alcohol in their system. A driver under 21 years of age who is charged with DUI is considered either a "minor" or "juvenile."
The two categories in underage drunk driving cases are as follows:
Minors are typically penalized in much the same way an adult would be, and may be tried for the more severe charge of DWI. Juveniles, however, cannot be tried or penalized as adults in many jurisdictions. Minors may face class C misdemeanor charges along with a 60-day license suspension, up to $500 in fines, and between 20 and 40 hours of community service for a first offense. Juveniles may face a 90-day to one-year license suspension, up to $500 in fines, and between 20 and 40 hours of community service for a first offense. Repeat offenses for both minors and juveniles carry escalating penalties.
Call JM Davis Law PLLC to protect your license and your future: Dial (855) 390-0455 for a free consultation with an experienced Houston DUI lawyer from our team.
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