Commercial Vehicle DWI Compassionate & Effective Representation

Houston Commercial Vehicle DWI Attorney

Arrested for Drunk Driving?

There are strict laws for individuals who operate commercial vehicles while under the influence of drugs and / or alcohol. Not only could you face a significant jail sentence and expensive fines, you may also lose your commercial driver's license and-as a result-your livelihood. If you were accused of driving while intoxicated (DWI) in your capacity as a commercial driver, you need to speak with an accomplished and trustworthy DWI attorney immediately.

Our Lake Jackson criminal defense lawyer at JM Davis Law PLLC is here to fight for your rights. Let us stand up for you during this time.

What Is the Legal Limit for Commercial Drivers in Texas?

For other drivers on the road, the legal limit is 0.08% blood alcohol content (BAC). For drivers of commercial vehicles, including transportation vehicles and vehicles carrying cargo, Texas law prohibits any "measurable or detectable" amount of alcohol in their systems. A commercial vehicle driver who tests with a BAC of 0.04% or higher in the state of Texas is legally considered intoxicated.

Penalties for Commercial Vehicle DWIs

The penalties for a driver of a commercial vehicle who is charged with DWI include potential jail time, expensive fines, and more.

In addition, an individual who hold's a commercial driver's license will lose his / her driving privilege for a period of one year if:

  • They have been convicted of DWI for the first time
  • They refused to submit to a chemical BAC test
  • Their blood, breath, or urine test demonstrated that there was a 0.04% or higher alcohol level while operating a commercial vehicle in a public place
  • There was an alcohol level of 0.08% or more while operating a motor vehicle that was not a commercial vehicle in a public place

In addition, if the commercial driver was transporting hazardous materials when one of the above conditions took place, he or she will lose their commercial vehicle license for a period of three years. Our team at JM Davis Law PLLC understands how to protect your license so you can stay on the road and maintain your livelihood.

Call us now at (855) 390-0455 for a free case evaluation with a Lake Jackson DWI attorney.

Our Client Testimonials

  • “Jamie is great at what she does and her staff is also very friendly. When you hire JM Davis law you will actually be working with Jamie herself, not some intern fresh out of college.”

    - Former Client
  • “After we got off the phone, we immediately agreed that Jamie legitimately knew what she was doing/talking about and genuinely had our entire family's best interest at heart.”

    - Paul H.
  • “I can't even explain the amount of gratitude I have for Ms. Davis. She definitely goes above and beyond for her clients and does not have back down!”

    - Chyanne
  • “Jamie not only took my case and showed me the compassion that no other attorneys provided but she held the insurance companies and their clients accountable.”

    - Steve
  • “We met Jamie Davis, a "tough Texas Aggie" who doesn't back down from any fight and stands up for her clients no matter the odds.”

    - Celeste S.